Getting to Know Veneer Teeth: What To Expect

Are you looking to achieve the smile of your dreams? As you may have heard, veneer teeth are a popular cosmetic dental solution that can transform your teeth and boost your confidence. But, a lot of people may not be familiar with the process, or what exactly veneers are in the first place. We will help break this down for you by taking an in-depth look at the following:

  • Pros and cons
  • Types of veneers: porcelain and ceramic 
  • Differences between veneers, crowns, inlays, and onlays
  • Common questions

By the end of this guide, you will have the knowledge needed to make an informed decision about whether veneers are the right choice for you.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Veneers are thin, custom-made shells that cover the front of your teeth. Veneers can help with discoloration, chipping, or misalignment of the teeth. The procedure involves removing the enamel from the front of the teeth, followed by using dental adhesive to put the custom veneers in place. This procedure requires careful consideration as the enamel removal is irreversible. Properly cared for, veneers can provide long-lasting results..

Porcelain vs Ceramic

Veneers come in various materials, but porcelain and ceramic are the two most popular choices because they look the most natural and are very durable. 

The difference between the two is that ceramic veneers are not as expensive and generally less invasive. Since less enamel needs to be removed before application, they might even be able to be removed. However, compared to porcelain veneers, they are less durable and of lower quality.

Dental Restoration: The Difference Between Each Procedure

Are you confused about the different restorative dental procedures available? Potentially you’re not even aware of what procedures are offered. To avoid any confusion, we’ve broken down the most common restorative procedures for you:

  • Veneers – Cover the front of your tooth and are primarily used for cosmetic enhancements.
  • Crowns –  Restorative caps that encase the entire tooth, providing strength and protection.
  • Inlays – A small custom tooth-shaped replacement for damaged surfaces, covering only a portion of your tooth.
  • Onlays – Full-tooth coverage for decay and damage to the cusps of a tooth and the biting areas. Think of onlays as the step before needing anything more invasive like a root canal.

Understanding the difference between these four will help you when discussing the most appropriate procedure with your dentist.

Commonly Asked Questions About Veneer Teeth

Before any procedure, most of us have a ton of questions and concerns. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most frequently asked questions about veneers to help you decide if this is the right option for you.

How Much Do Veneers Cost?

Cost can be a deciding factor for a lot of people when it comes to cosmetic procedures. The expenses can vary based on several factors, including:

  • The type of veneers
  • The complexity of your case
  • Your location

When you have your consultation, we’ll be able to provide you with a cost breakdown for both porcelain and ceramic veneers, so that you can budget accordingly if you decide to move forward.

Does Dental Insurance Cover The Cost Of Veneers?

Dental insurance coverage for veneers varies widely, as it typically depends on the reason for getting veneers and the policy terms. Some dental insurance plans may cover veneers if they are considered medically necessary, such as in cases of severe tooth damage or misalignment. However, cosmetic treatments may not be covered by insurance.

Can Veneers Be Removed If Needed?

Veneers are usually considered an irreversible dental procedure as tooth enamel needs to be removed to make space for the veneer, and once this enamel is removed, it cannot be restored. If this is one of your top concerns, the ceramic option may be the best choice for you. But, consult with your dentist for their advice based on your questions and concerns.

Even though they are designed to be long-lasting and durable, veneers may eventually require replacement due to normal wear and tear over time. If a veneer becomes damaged or dislodged, your dentist can usually replace it with a new one; however, keep in mind that this process will require additional enamel removal, and the replacement veneers may not perfectly match the original ones in terms of color and texture. 

Making Your Dream Smile A Reality With Veneer Teeth

Veneers can be a life-changing decision for achieving the smile you’ve always wanted. By understanding the pros and cons of veneers, exploring the different options, learning about other dental restorative procedures like crowns, inlays, and onlays, and getting some of your questions answered, you are able to make a more informed decision about enhancing your smile. 
Find out if veneers are right for you. Interested in an appointment? Contact us online and take the next steps towards a smile you love.